Mistakes to Avoid when Selling Your Home

Selling your home is not easy. There is a lot of information to take in, tasks to complete, and timelines to follow. Making a mistake in the process can cost you time, money, or your sanity. 

Here are six of the top mistakes to avoid when selling your home:

Mistake 1: Forgetting about the Costs Associated with Selling

Every seller considers the money they can make with the sale of their home. But often, people forget about the costs associated with getting to closing day. As a seller, you need to prepare your home for the market and compensate the professionals working with you. Here are some of the costs sellers need to prepare for:

  • Closing costs
  • Agent commission
  • Transfer tax
  • Title insurance
  • Escrow fees
  • Attorney’s fees
  • Repairs
  • Staging Costs
  • Moving Expenses

Mistake 2: Not Pricing Right

For a house to sell, it needs to be priced for today’s market. Too low, and you could miss out on profit. Too high, and it may sit on the market without any offers. 

An online home valuation can give you a general starting point for pricing your home, but it doesn’t take into consideration all the data. A real estate professional can zone in on a more specific price range with a comparative market analysis (CMA). Once you have seen the data from the CMA, you can make an informed decision on your listing price.

Mistake 3: Not getting Professional Listing Photos

Do not skimp on listing photos! The majority of buyers start their search online, which means their first impression is the pictures.

The photographs must showcase your home and property in the best light.  Make sure your listing agent is using a reputable professional for listing photos and ask to review them before the listing goes live.

Mistake 4: Ignoring Repairs

Those repairs you’ve been putting off? 

Time to take action.

Fix the small jobs that need attention. If small items around the house are neglected, it sends a signal to potential buyers that more significant issues haven’t been maintained either. Some common renovations before selling include painting the interior and landscaping the yard.

For larger issues, such as an older roof or a reoccurring leak, you can decide if you want to pay to have it fixed or disclose the problem to potential buyers. 

Mistake 5: Not Prepping the Home

Stage your home and keep it in top shape for listing photos, open houses, and showings. Staging your home does not have to be expensive, but it is critical to deep clean, clear the house of clutter, and arrange furniture in an appealing way. 

Mistake 6: Limiting Showings

If you are not willing to cooperate with potential buyers, they may walk away from the house. While you do not have to agree to unreasonable requests (no midnight showings necessary), plan to be flexible with your schedule. 

When you work with a reputable real estate professional, you will be guided through the entire process of selling your home, including the dos and don’ts to get it sold quickly. 

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